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26 Sep 2020
SVP - Pas de téléchargement en masse ! Cela surcharge le serveur et empêche la communauté d'utilisateurs d'accéder aux données
WE WILL BLOCK IP'S THAT ARE BULK DOWNLOADING! Nous bloquerons les IPs des personnes qui agissent de la sorte.
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ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #843

  • DomH
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  • La voile est ma passion
  • Messages : 110
  • Remerciements reçus 26
Nice, but when data will be available to be able to use them in specific conditions.

"The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts has announced that hundreds of its forecast charts will become free and accessible to all.
Medium-range, extended-range and long-range forecast charts of temperature, wind, precipitation, clouds and ocean waves are just some of the products that are becoming available. With ECMWF’s focus on ensemble prediction, charts also cover probability-based information, which provides a guide to forecast confidence. The likelihood of extreme conditions, as well as tropical and extratropical cyclone activity, are also included."
(source : www.meteorologicaltechnologyinternationa...reely-available.html / 9.10.2020)
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ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #844

Recently the UK Met Office has enabled download of grib data from the Bracknell model AKA UKMO.
The problem is that the free access is limited to 1GB per month of download. Which is OK for a limited area but not for global data.
Some of the gribs have strange values such as 1.5m AGL instead of 2m AGL for shelter measurements (RH, T etc.)

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ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #845

  • DomH
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  • Modérateur
  • La voile est ma passion
  • Messages : 110
  • Remerciements reçus 26
You confirm that it remain very difficult to access to data that have been financed with public money (Europe, UK, CH, ...) The only real exception remain USA due to a quite old law never modified.
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ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #846


Very interesting information. It would be better, of course, if they would make freely available not only the maps but also the data (taking into account that those data are already paid by the public), but at least we have something. However, the article sais that those maps "will be" freely abailable and there is no a link to them. So I guess that we are talking about the future and this is not already available yet, am I right?


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ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #847

  • DomH
  • Portrait de DomH Auteur du sujet
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  • Modérateur
  • La voile est ma passion
  • Messages : 110
  • Remerciements reçus 26
They are available here : (nice home page :

All sources of data from ECMWF :
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Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: Tropelio

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Dernière édition: par DomH.

ECMWF finally will realise freely forecasts maps, but not the data il y a 4 ans 3 mois #848

Thanks a lot!

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