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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #961

I am writing to bring to your attention an ongoing issue with the WRF 4 km model that has been observed over a prolonged period, specifically with discrepancies between the 00z and 12z runs. The 12z run is forecasting no precipitation in the coming days, whereas the 00z run predicts rain.
Additionally, the 12z run is forecasting unusually low temperatures during the night compared the 00z run.

Could you please check the reasons of these discrepancies?
Is it related to the use of different cumulus, microphysics, or radiation schemes between the two runs (00Z and 12Z)?

Furthermore, I have also noticed that the 00Z run appears to be overestimating simulated radar reflectivity.
Could you please look into this issue , along with the discrepancies mentioned above, and work towards resolving them?

Thank you

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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #962

Hi Ameerrh,
Thanks for noticing.
The 00z and 12z runs are on different servers. The 12z was not running a cumulus scheme on the nested 4km domain but only on the 12km domain. It also was running a different micro physics scheme.
I have edited the setting to match the 06z run and set a new common micro physics scheme for both models
There should now be more consistent forecasts from the two models.


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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #963

Hi David,
Thank you for your prompt response.
I have compared the precipitation forecasts from the 00z and 12z runs today, and there is still a significant difference between them.
Additionally, it appears that the model did not provide the simulated radar reflectivity forecasts for either the 00z or 12z runs. What is the reason?

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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 1 mois 3 jours #965

Hi Ameer,
Just to let you know, the model in the 00z and 12z runs has been upgraded, and the schemes have been adjusted. The precipitation forecasts are now improved.
You may appreciate a 9km and 3km model output at and a 2.5km model initialised using ICON global at
Both of these models provide good precipitation forecasts.

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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 1 mois 19 heures #966

Hi David,
Thank you for the update regarding the model upgrades.
I compared the precipitation forecasts between the 00z and 12z runs over the last two days and noticed that the 00z run provided more accurate precipitation forecasts compared to the 12z run. I’m not sure what might be causing the discrepancy in the 12z run.

Regarding the 3km and 2.5km models, are both of these models initialized using the ICON global model, or only the 2.5km model?

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Discrepancies in Forecasts between 00z and 12z runs in WRF 4km model il y a 1 mois 14 heures #967

Hi Ameer,
I suspect that the difference between the 00z and 12z in the 4km model is related to differences in the GFS forecasts (18z and 06z).
Only the 2.5km is ICON based the 3/9 km is initialised using GFS.

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