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Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #771


I perform wave modeling in wave watch III (WW3) and tried to open the output data in .grib format in ZyGrib/XyGrib, but I cannot visualize the wave direction.
I compared my wave direction data with the FNMOC-WW3 data and attached the differences (I put just an example of a part of the data).

I was able to see the significant height of the same output data, but not the wave direction. Does anyone know why I can't see the wave direction and what can I do to fix it?

Thanks a lot!
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Dernière édition: par lianapbittencourt. Raison: error on attachment

Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #772

Hi there,
The wave direction records that you marked in the image were for Primary Wave Direction (DIRPW).
XyGrib and I believe also zyGrib, show arrows only for Direction of Wind Waves (WVDIR) and for Direction of Swell Waves (SWDIR) and not for DIRPW.
You might try adding the fields for wind wave and swell in your post processing of the model.
I hope this answers your question

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Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #773

Hello, David!
Thank you for your message, but i'm still in doubt.
If you see the FNMOC-WW3 data (on the left side of the attachment of the previous message), the variables are the same as mine (DIRPW and PERPW) and i can visualize them on ZyGrib and XyGrib without any problem.

In addition, on the ZyGrib website (, the Primary Wave Direction is one of the available data.

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Dernière édition: par lianapbittencourt.

Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #774

Hi Liana,

First of all XyGrib and zyGrib are not the same product. I can speak for XyGrib but not for xyGrib.

XyGrib recognizes the records for Primary Wave and shows their values in the data table on the left of the window. However, XyGrib is not currently showing arrows for Primary Wave although it is possible to choose this option in "Sea->Wave Arrows". This is a bug and I will open an issue on the development site.

I tested a FNMOC-WW3 grib with records for Primary Wave Direction and Primary Wave Period with not other records and the arrows are shown in zyGrib. As mentioned above they do not show on XyGrib. I can only suggest that you visualize in zyGrib until we fix the bug in the next release.


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Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #775

Hi, David.

I can visualize the FNMOC-WW3 direction in ZyGrib, but I cannot visualize my data in ZyGrib.
The variables are the same (as I put in the attachment to the first message), but I don't know why I can't visualize my direction in ZyGrib.

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Can't visualize wave direction of WW3 il y a 4 ans 7 mois #778

Please sent a reasonably sized copy of your GRIB file for examination.

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Chaque contribution, même modeste, est très utile à garantir le bon fonctionnement du site et des serveurs. Si vous considérez XyGrib et les fichiers téléchargés utiles, merci de soutenir openGribs et XyGrib.


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