If you wish to help to translate XyGrib in different languages, please feel free to do it.

The available languages are : arabic (ar)*, czech (cz)*, german (de)*, spanish (es)*, finish (fi)*, french (fr), greek (gr)*, italian (it)*, dutch (nl)*, portuguese (pt)*, russian (ru)*

* needs to be updated for a next release.

The tool used in translating is  *Qt linguist* available at : https://github.com/lelegard/ qtlinguist-installers/releases or in the repositories of your favorite Linux distribution. Use the .ts file to work on the translation.  

Any new language is very welcome (just start from any .ts existing file). To send updated files and for any translation questions, please use This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the word "Translation" in the subject line.





Resources on this site will always be free and open with no commercialization. However, operating costs of the servers to pre-process and deliver GRIB files to XyGrib are not trivial.

If you found the site useful, please share in the effort and help keep us up and running


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