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26 Sep 2020
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vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #713

Bonjour et merci beaucoup pour XyGrib,
Je n'arrive pas à afficher les informations des vagues (WW3 ou EWAN) en même temps que les informations de vent fournies par Arome.
J'ai essayé de mettre Arome sur un pas de 3h mais rien n'y fait. Ce problème n'apparait pas sur les autres modèles (GFS, ICON par ex) où j'ai bien les informations des vagues. Y'a-t-il une explication ou quelque chose que je fais mal ?
Merci par avance pour votre attention !

Hello and thanks you very much for XyGrib,
I can't display waves data (WW3 or EWAN) in the same time as Arome wind data.
I tryed a 3 hours interval but waves informations are still missing. There is no problem with other models as GFS or ICON.
Can someone explain to me why ? Or maybe there is something I didn't understand ?
Thank you for your attention, cheers

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vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #714

There is an explanation. The Arome data is published 4 times a day and the wave data only twice at 00z and 12z.
If you set the cycle selector from :"Latest" to either 00 or 12 - you will get the wave data included.
When we can afford more server power we will produce waves at all cycles (4 times a day).
The following user(s) said Thank You: JulienOural

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vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #715

Thank you David for your quick answer.

If I'm not mistaken GFS is also published 4 times a day and there is no problem with GFS.
Anyway I got the wave data included setting to 00 as you suggested so thank you.

May I ask you an other question ?
I thought it was possible to get noaa synoptic pressure charts with fronts using IAC Fleetcode but I didn't find the way to get it from XyGrib.
Is it possible with XyGrib ?
Thank you again

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Last edit: by JulienOural.

vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #716

NOAA has stopped publishing Fleetcode so we cancelled this feature quite a few versions back.
The following user(s) said Thank You: JulienOural

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vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #717

Thank you David !

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vagues et Arome / Unable to display waves and Arome 4 years 10 months ago #719


I can reproduce this one.
It looks like a server issue, for Arome it doesn't return EWAM records.
GET /getmygribs2.php?osys=ubuntu&ver=1.2.7&model=gfs_p25_&la1=47.27&la2=49&lo1=354.72&lo2=356.5&intv=3&days=2&cyc=last&par=W;P;R;C;T;H;G;&wmdl=ewam_p05_&wpar=s;H;D;P;h;d;p;


AROME request
GET /getmygribs2.php?osys=ubuntu&ver=1.2.7&model=arome_p025_&la1=47.27&la2=49&lo1=354.72&lo2=356.5&intv=3&days=2&cyc=last&par=W;p;R;C;T;H;G;&wmdl=ewam_p05_&wpar=s;H;D;P;h;d;p;

But no wave data in downloaded file (grib_ls)

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