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26 Sep 2020
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Problem with menu bar when developing new version 4 years 10 months ago #733

  • Jproj
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First thank you for sharing this fantastic tool.
I'have made some adaptations in MAC OS environment for gliding purpose (display of height data from Arome model and integration of elevation data).
Everything works well except I have realized that sometimes several menus are missing in the menu bar (it could reappear if the language is changed). I have the same issue even with the native version 1.2.6 which is installed as well on my computer. (I'm working in parallel on a development app 1.2.7).
I'm not really an expert of C++ and QTranslation but I think something is wrong with the translation. Do you know how I can proceed to regenerate the .ts file when some *.cpp files have been modified? It is strange because even if I remove the tr() method sometimes it works sometimes not depending how I write the menu text.
It affect in particular the Options menu ->Internet parameters and Graphical parameters & Weather Map -> Weather options, for an unknown reason.
Do you have any idea of the problem and how to solve it?
Best regards

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Problem with menu bar when developing new version 4 years 10 months ago #736

MacOS will move some menu options into the OS menus if the names are common like "Options". They menu items exist but under the OS menus and not the XyGrib menus. If the name of the menu is set differently in the translation file, i.e. "Weather Options", then the OS sees the menu item as belonging to the software package and not as a common OS menu item -- and it will appear where expected.
Try to use names that are not common with the Mac OS.

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Problem with menu bar when developing new version 4 years 10 months ago #738

  • Jproj
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Thank you for your answer. It works when I change the name. So it means that I have to update the translation file .ts (since I have modified the code in the *.cpp files). Do you know what is the simplest way to do it ? So how can I regenerate the ts files ?

In addition I have realized that I can only create Xgryb.app. The compilation works but I have some issues to deploy the package on the Mac.
When I execute /usr/local/opt/qt5/bin/macdeployqt/XyGrib.app -verbose=2
I have the following error:
WARNING: Could not find any external Qt frameworks to deploy in "XyGrib.app"
WARNING: Perhaps macdeployqt was already used on "XyGrib.app" ?
WARNING: If so, you will need to rebuild "XyGrib.app" before trying again.

Maybe it is obvious for you but not for me, do you have any advices for the deployment ?
And the tool repogen is not found on my computer.

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Problem with menu bar when developing new version 4 years 10 months ago #739

Best path to take is to install Qt on your Mac and build the app in the Qt environment.
The Qt documentation gives good instructions on building for MacOS within Qt. There is a utility for Mac that grabs all the dependencies and packages them with the deployed app.
There is also documentation regarding language generation. There are two utilities for this and they get installed when you install the Qt package.

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