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26 Sep 2020
SVP - Pas de téléchargement en masse ! Cela surcharge le serveur et empêche la communauté d'utilisateurs d'accéder aux données
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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application 6 years 2 months ago #211

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Not really an urgent issue, I am still using WXP. When trying to install WyGrib I get an infamous XyGrib...online is not a valid win32 application.
I suspect there are at least two solutions :

1- move to a more recent OS like W10, which is on my ever growing to do list since 3 years already ,-)
2- starting from the source package, localy compile a version for my WXP. This was a very sound option to me ... 10 years ago when I gave up those excitements ;-)

Can any one help though not really urgent.
Best regards,

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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application 6 years 3 weeks ago #294


I guess your computer is quite old, so Win10 will not work, or the difficulties.
option 3 : migrate to Linux :P

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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application 6 years 3 weeks ago #295

The XyGrib application on Windows is a 32bit application. It is the installer that is 64bit.
You can try and install on a machine with more recent windows and then copy the application folder to any location on your xp machine.
You will also need to find the "opengribs\xygrib\data\ folder and copy the data folder tree only into the same folder that the XyGrib.exe is located.
It may work!

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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application 6 years 3 weeks ago #296

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Great answer, For once an application that one can simply copy from one machine to another without twidling with registry and speanding too much time uselessly.
Amazingly simple, a great step toward the 80's
You guys did a great job. Thanks;
PS : in the meantime I have installed W10 on that machine that stays ashore so I'll follow your instructions and copy the stuff back to the computer that floats and let you know.

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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application : A MISS 5 years 5 months ago #529

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XyGrib working like a charme on W10,I copied the full install on a WXP machine
On the 9/7/2019, per davidgal recommandantions, I :
1- copied W10:C:\Program Files (x86)\Xygrib to WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib
2- copied W10:C:\Utilisateurs\yves\AppData\Roaming\OpenGribs\XyGrib\data to WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib\data
3- there is an open issue with W10:C:\Utilisateurs\yves\AppData\Local\OpenGribs\XyGrib/xygrib.ini
that should be customized since its appDataDir points to ...AppData/Roaming/openGrids/XyGrib
and should be copied somewhere on WXP:

After 1- and 2- a double-clic on WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib\XyGrib.exe fails with (WXP message in French, sorry)
Le point d'entrée de procédure CancelIoEx est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamique KERNEL32.dll

It could have worked.
Anyway, thanks for the hint.

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FAILED with WXP ... is not a valide win32 application : A MISS 5 years 5 months ago #530

It looks like XyGrib is not compatible with Windows XP.
With all honesty I don't have a clue on what might or might not get the application to run on WinXP

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