XyGrib working like a charme on W10,I copied the full install on a WXP machine
On the 9/7/2019, per davidgal recommandantions, I :
1- copied W10:C:\Program Files (x86)\Xygrib to WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib
2- copied W10:C:\Utilisateurs\yves\AppData\Roaming\OpenGribs\XyGrib\data to WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib\data
3- there is an open issue with W10:C:\Utilisateurs\yves\AppData\Local\OpenGribs\XyGrib/xygrib.ini
that should be customized since its appDataDir points to ...AppData/Roaming/openGrids/XyGrib
and should be copied somewhere on WXP:
After 1- and 2- a double-clic on WXP:C:\Program Files\XyGrib\XyGrib.exe fails with (WXP message in French, sorry)
Le point d'entrée de procédure CancelIoEx est introuvable dans la bibliothèque de liaisons dynamique KERNEL32.dll
It could have worked.
Anyway, thanks for the hint.