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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #412

Good afternoon, first of all give thanks for the work you do. I have a problem installing on mac. I have version 10.14.2 (18C54) of mojave. When I install it gives me an error and it does not let me continue. Assistant screenshot. What can happen? I have tried to uninstall and reinstall and nothing.

Thank you.

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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #415

I'm sorry about the late reply. I actually did reply a week ago but for some reason the send was not committed.

The error message that the installer is giving you regarding "not enough memory" is a small bug in the Qt installer system that we use. It reports this when administrator rights are not given when requested by the installer.

This is what I suggest:
Please make sure that you enter the administrator password when the install program requests it. Note that the dialog may have been covered by another window.
If this does not help, try logging in as administrator and perform the install as admin.

Please let us know if the problem has been solved.


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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #430

Thanks for your reply! the problem persist.

I think I have seen a pop-up window that escapes from the screen out of the reach of the mouse, I did not have time to see what it said, just after putting the password. If you have any advice about changes or restore factory parameters of the mac, I will have no problem doing so.

Thank you very much for your help David.

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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #431

Have you tried to install after logging in as the administrator?

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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #432

My session on the mac is always as administrator. Do you mean that when I turn it on I enter my username and I enter the administrator password?, I do not enter as a guest? If so, I always go in with my main user and enter the password.

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Problem when installing on mac 5 years 11 months ago #433

Even though your user account has administrator rights there is still a need to provide a password on many system related actions including some installations.
XyGribs needs these rights during installation and therefore asks for your password to apply your administrator rights during install.
This happens on every install on Mac OS (as well as other operating systems).
We do not have a report of the problem you encounter happening on any other Mac OS machines.
I can suggest that you setup your machine to allow you to logon as root and then try and install (you will most likely not be asked for password during the install)
see www.howtogeek.com/howto/35132/how-to-ena...ot-user-in-mac-os-x/

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