I am packaging xygrib as replacement for zygrib which seems dead for OpenSUSE.
I have a blocking issue, on first use, XyGrib must launched from the location where the chart are and successfully load a grib, in order for the following time to find the chart.
I have noticed that you add an entry appDataDir=/usr/share/XyGrib in the config.ini file.
As this .ini is created by the code at first execution, it does a search from the current dir going down to each sub dir to find a chart.
It then fails silently.
Issue if it find chart in any dir (even a temp one) it will write in the config file. Which is hidden to most user (.config)
create a default config file which is installed with the code.
By default the search path could be '.', so today behavior remain the default.
Let us, packager, modify this file with what ever is smart.
E.g I have create a dedicated ghssh package for OpenCPN under OpenSUSE, I will remove the gshhs dir from xygrib at packaging and use the default package.
That will reduce the amount of data to download.
From a boat data can be expensive.
Current behaviour is for me a show stopper as after the install it does not work.
Please let me know your thoughts.
P.S. You create 3 config files
Not nice at all.
The 2 config files should be 1 have the same (better none) capitalisation. Under Unix that is important.
a .ini is odd in a Linux box.
The rc file should share the same (better none) capitalisation to respect generic pattern.
The mix in capitalisation dispatch the file is various location when doing a list.